
"ever closer union"

Mrs. Thatcher


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Russia, Middle Eastern and North African countries

Foreign Secretary David Miliband has suggested the European Union should work towards
including Russia, Middle Eastern and North African countries.

BBC 15/11 2007

Mr Miliband made his address at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium, where Baroness Thatcher delivered her famous warning

Mr Miliband said that speech had been "haunted by demons - a European superstate bringing in socialism by the back door".

He said a successful EU must be prepared to "deploy soft and hard power to promote democracy and tackle conflict beyond its borders".

He said the goal "must be a multilateral free-trade zone around our periphery".
This would be a "version of the European Free Trade Association that could gradually bring the countries of the Mahgreb, the Middle East and Eastern Europe in line with the single market, not as an alternative to membership, but potentially as a step towards it".

Full text

Vi måste nu arbeta tillsammans med länderna söder om Sahara och med Nordafrika
för att komma fram till en samordnad modell baserad på delat ansvar.

Jacques Chirac, DN Debatt 26/10 2005</p>


Fp-vision för framtidens EU:
40 medlemsländer, 800 miljoner invånare och debatter över språkgränserna Europa har för medborgarna blivit en lika självklar politisk nivå, som den egna kommunen eller egna nationen.
Lars Leijonborg och Cecilia Malmström

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